Applications in the Company

As Evolution Security GmbH has proven to be a consistent IT security company in Germany over the past years, we would like to offer public employment opportunities for applicants in the future.

Our company offers employees a creative and extensive employment in the IT security industry. Our daily business processes include security testing (black/white box), auditing, analysis, assessment and consulting in the information security field.

During the induction phase in the company, each new employee has a mentor who supports him or her both professionally and technically, as well as with general questions. Regular quarterly meetings and the general annual appraisal interview ensure that each individual employee feels cared for and that he or she has arrived at the company. This is to ensure that personal development and goals are in line with the company's activities in order to establish a good and sustainable working relationship in the long term.

Expectations of our applicants?
Evolution Security GmbH expects individual applicants to possess professionally qualifying qualities. These include qualities such as meaningful written formulation, eloquence, interest in working life, loyalty in the working environment and the ability to act beyond a certain level in certain processes.

Applicants should be able to act in a socially competent manner and be technically and professionally versed in information security. The basic qualities and qualifications of the applicant are very important to us as an IT security company.

How do I apply for a job at Evolution Security GmbH?
1. Sending your application with cover letter, resume, references and certificates.
2. Examination of the application documents in our personnel department
3. Review of application documents by personnel department
4. On-site interview with HR department
5. Call with confirmation and sending the contract
6. Official recruitment on the date of joining Evolution Security Ltd.

Remark: Should our staff determine during the review (items 1-5) of your application materials that we do not want to or cannot work with you, you will receive a prompt rejection.

Current jobs at Evolution Security GmbH

- Office Communication (m/f/d)
- Web Developer (m/f/d)
- Penetration Tester (m/f/d)
- Security Consultant (m/f/d)
- Security Analyst (SOC) (m/f/d)
- Incident Response Manager (SOC) (m/f/d)

Are you interested in becoming a part of our IT security company? You are welcome to contact us by phone or via contact form regarding the application process.



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