Public Cyber Security Programs

In recent years, the core research team has identified many zero-day vulnerabilities and vulnerabilities in government websites, web applications, online services, software and systems. Identified security gaps and vulnerabilities are communicated to the affected companies or the responsible local CERT teams of the responsible authorities. Since 2014, Evolution Security GmbH has owned a vulnerability monitoring service called Vulnerability Labs. The Vulnerability Laboratory is part of the public cyber security program that was publicly launched in 2014 by Evolution Security GmbH. In addition to the regular program and available services, future releases of Responsible Disclosure and Bug Bounty programs are also listed. The Vulnerability Laboratory maintains, lists and archives new zero-day vulnerabilities publicly for educational and research purposes. The Vulnerability Lab runs with an independent background to the company (non-commercial project) and is available for security researchers, developers, pen tests and whitehats. To visit the vulnerability-lab you need no invitation or required registration.

Website:   &

Since 2016, Evolution Security GmbH has owned a second vulnerability monitoring service called "Government Lab". The "Government Laboratory" is part of the public "Government Cyber Security Program", which was put into operation by Evolution Security GmbH in 2016. In addition to the regular program and available services, releases of Responsible Disclosure and Bug Bounty vulnerabilities in government services are planned. The Government Laboratory maintains, lists and archives new zero-day vulnerabilities from military or individual governments. The Government Lab runs with an independent background and is available for researchers, developers and whitehats. To visit the government vu labs you need an invitation by the administration.

Website: or

Evolution Security GmbH has had the new project V1-BugBounty platform since 2021. The platform enables manufacturers or companies to make their products publicly or privately available to security researchers in their own responsible disclosure or bug bounty programs.


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